Suspected drunk driver smashes cars and bike rack near Billings school

Several Billings students survived a close call Tuesday afternoon after a suspected drunk driver pulled out several vehicles and a bicycle rack in front of Highland Elementary School.

Billings police say it happened shortly after 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday and was the culmination of a devastating wave that began several blocks down Delphinium Drive.

Authorities say a 29-year-old woman walked onto lawns and sidewalks, colliding with several vehicles. Police believe the woman was drunk.

Ross Clark was removing the snow tires from his truck when he heard the car approach. Then she saw him head straight for him on his neighbor’s lawn. The truck crashed into his car and pushed him across his yard.

“I’m alive. I could have fallen on my hands and knees while putting on the last tire,” Clark said.

The suspected drunk driver is not over yet.

“She went back and then took off like a rocket,” Clark said.

Police say the truck continued to be destroyed several blocks off Highland Elementary School.

The woman allegedly hit several other vehicles outside the school before taking out a luggage rack full of bicycles right outside the school’s doors.

Shara Rose’s 8-year-old son was playing outside of school when it happened.

“He heard everything. He explained everything. He heard all the sounds, “Rose said. “Many cars were hit. Many children are afraid. I really hope this lady gets help. ”

No children were hit by the vehicle. Billings police arrived on the scene and detained the woman. No charges have been filed yet; the name of the suspect has not yet been released.