Support state bill that promotes electric cars | News, Sports, Jobs


Ohio has a unique opportunity to benefit from a motivated workforce, growing industry, and thriving natural resources; however, he will take action like Senate Bill 307 to really move the state into the future.

Electric vehicles will be part of this future. Audi plans to have 30 electrified vehicles by 2025, 20 of which will be EVs. Jaguar plans to be fully electric. GM has announced that it will invest $ 27 billion in electric vehicles by 2025. The market has made it clear that it is time for Ohio to pave the way for new innovations in the automotive industry. That’s why you introduced Senate Bill 307, which encourages the adoption of electric vehicles on the Ohio market.

The provision of SB 307 will create a program for retrofitting electric vehicles and the acquisition of new equipment and a program for training and modernization of electric vehicles. This will not only help employers and producers in Ohio to refine and train the workforce needed to serve this emerging market, but will also benefit from our vast natural gas and oil industry.

This legislation will allow the automotive, manufacturing, and thriving gas and oil industries in Ohio to grow. Natural gas is the largest source of fuel for electricity in Ohio. In fact, in 2020, 43 percent of Ohio’s net production came from natural gas. The increase in natural gas as a source of fuel to generate electricity has allowed Ohio to be less dependent on coal-fired power plants, allowing for a cleaner and more environmentally friendly way to generate electricity.

We are far from the first to make this important change; 45 other states and the District of Columbia provide incentives for certain EVs and / or PHEVs, either through a specific service operating in the state or through state law. There are very few incentives in Ohio that support EV. I believe it is time for our country to strengthen and implement incentives to encourage the introduction of electric vehicles.

As the electric car market continues to grow, it is essential that Ohio remain at the forefront of modernizing the automotive industry. There really is no time to waste. We must now pass Bill 307 in the Senate.



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